What Is A Visual Mihi?

A visual mihi is a photo of yourself that you take and put four photos of things that you like. It is important so that other people know more about you. The main thing we were learning was replacing images It was fun because it was really interesting finding things about other people. It was challenging because I couldn’t find the right pictures but I found them in the end. My next steps are finding better pictures to express more detail. This is my visual mihi.

Have you done anything like this?

Do you have any suggestions to help me to find the right pictures?

One thought on “What Is A Visual Mihi?

  1. Hi Alex
    I really like your visual Mihi. I also like dogs and swimming. I liked the way you explained what a visual Mihi is. This reminds me of when we had to write a introduction at the start of the year. Next time you could make all the pictures the same size. I have done this before with Michelle. I don’t have any suggestions because I think the pictures are great!
    What website or app did you do this on?


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